Gurugram Hub Function
Published On: 12th April, 2019
ANAND Group companies comprising of ANAND Automotive, ANAND CY Myutec Automotive, Gabriel India, Henkel ANAND India, MAHLE ANAND Filter Systems, Takata India, SNS Foundation, Dana Anand India and SUJÁN celebrated annual hub event on 1st December 2018.
The event programme was themed as “Indianama – Kal, Aaj aur Kal” to celebrate the cultural diversity of the country. Mr. Deep C. Anand, Chief Mentor, DCA Foundation along with Mrs. Kiran Anand graced the event. Mr. Deepak Thukral, Vice President- Supply Chain and Mr. Rajnish Kumar, Vice President at Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. were guests of the evening. The function was attended by family members of all the employees.